
Sharzede Datu Haji Salleh Askor Zipevent

Sharzede Datu Haji Salleh Askor


Sharzede Datu Hj. Salleh Askor is the Chief Executive Officer of Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) and also serves on its board of directors.


Before STB, Sharzede was the general manager of a Malaysian conglomerate company, Group Director of Strategic Planning and Branding in Advertising Consultancy as well as the Events Director to one of Malaysia’s International Exhibition & Convention Centres in the country.


With over 30 years of experience in integrated marketing communications, branding, CSR and management support to EXCOs and Board of Directors, Sharzede believes tourism is an inclusive industry and that everyone has an important role to play in ensuring Sarawak’s visibility on the world tourism stage.  Her vision of making Responsible and Niche Tourism into imperative pillars in Sarawak's tourism industry is to strengthen the economy of the local communities and to have responsible environmental practices built into the planning and execution of a healthy tourism ecosystem.

Destination Case Studies on Sustainability from Asia Pacific

25 November 2021 | 09:55 - 10:55 | Conference Room

Despite previous disruptions and fluctuations, the travel industry has always remained resilient, having demonstrated steady growth across the sector. However as we look towards a post-pandemic future, the industry must adapt, evolve and reprioritize in order to revitalise and rebuild a more responsible and sustainable industry. This session will showcase three destinations and their work towards sustainability and social responsibility, and look to examine what aspects of sustainability must the industry improve upon to create a better future for people, planet and profit.