
Greg Klassen Zipevent

Greg Klassen


A travel and tourism industry strategist with 25+ years of leadership experience with blue-chip organizations, including CMO and CEO of Canada’s national tourism organization, Destination Canada, Greg is a thought leader on disruption in destination development and the links between travel and tourism and sustainable economic development. While serving as the President & CEO and Chief Marketing Officer at Destination Canada, Greg led the enhancement of Canada’s Future Brand ranking from 12th to 1st position, positioning Canada as the most recommended experiential destination in the world to visit according to Reputation Institute. For his efforts, Greg was recognized as one of the travel and tourism industry’s top marketers by Strategy Magazine.

Greg holds an MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Victoria. He is a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society and a facilitator for the Boao International Tourism Communication Forum in China.

Keynote Presentation: Moving Beyond Destination Marketing to Destination Management

25 November 2021 | 09:25 - 09:55 | Conference Room

Before the pandemic, we saw tourism boards making a move away from just destination marketing and expanding their role to destination management. Post-pandemic, will that continue? Why is it important? What does that mean? Who is doing it best? And what are the implications for stakeholders?