



Alberto Moreno studied Computer Systems and IT Engineering in Madrid, Spain. In 2007-2008 he worked as Information Technology Manager at the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in Vietnam. In 2010, he was granted the Monbukagakusho scholarship by the Japanese government for a three-years research position at the University of Tsukuba. During his tenure, he completed a Master’s degree program in Risk Engineering. In 2013, he graduated and returned to Vietnam to build Baolau, a multi-transport travel search engine for the Mekong Region. Baolau is based on Japanese standards for information technology applied to public transport and interconnects cities by calculating travel distances in real time, comparing routes and facilitating ticket booking for flights, trains, buses and ferries. In 2017, Baolau was selected as one of the finalists for the Market Access program of MIST: Mekong Innovative Startup Tourism accelerator.


26 June 2018 | 09:00 - 11:30 | NAKHON PHANOM UNIVERSITY - RAMA RAJ ROOM

This session proves why MIST is unique among travel startup accelerator programs: the connection between startups and travel and tourism organizations for mutual benefit to build a sustainable and responsible tourism destination and ensure global competitiveness. MIST Startup Presentations will discuss the state of the travel startup eco-system in the GMS and ASEAN, and highlight successful travel startups in the region. MIST Startup Presentations will discuss the state of the travel startup eco-system in the GMS and ASEAN, and highlight successful travel startups in the region. More information at www.Mist.asia 9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks Jason Lusk, Director, Mekong Innovative Startups in Tourism 9:10 An Investor’s View of Travel Sector Innovation in the Greater Mekong Subregion Victor Chua, Vynn Capital (via conference call) 9:25 Innovation in Tours & Activities Clement Wong, Founder, BeMyGuest 9:40 Innovation in Hospitality Jason Richards, APAC Business Development Manager, CloudBeds 9:55 Innovation in Transportation Alberto Moreno, Founder, Bao Lau 10:10 Tea Break 10:25 Audience Talkback: What innovations are needed most urgently in Mekong tourism and hospitality? Small group discussions Report-outs 11:00 Panel Discussion: How can we make innovation responsive to the needs of Mekong tourism? And how can we get more of it? Moderator: Jason Lusk, Director, Mekong Innovative Startups in Tourism Alberto Moreno, Founder, Bao Lau Jason Richards, APAC Business Development Manager, CloudBeds Clement Wong, Founder, BeMyGuest 11:20 Destination Mekong, Mekong Tourism, and the MIST Program: The role of startups and innovation in promoting the region Gerrit Kruger, Head of Operations, Destination Mekong 11:30 End of Conference